Thursday 11 March 2010

Like a sap Calf's Broken Leg

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The next morning I was out checking on my cows and calves, when I noticed that one of my legs limp. I took a closer look and found that it was swollen on the back of his right leg. I do not know if the calf was not easy to play and broke, or a cow step on the leg or what happened exactly, but I knew I had to find something to help this baby calf. It was only six days. I drove the cow and calf in the corral and decided to call my vet. He asked me to pull up andHe would rail, or I could do it.

There are times when I would not hesitate to get veterinary assistance and care for animals injured or sick. But the cost is usually much more than they bring the animal when placed on the market. So, after careful consideration, I decided on this calf legging me.

First, check if there's a tire problem, where the bone could have penetrated the skin. If you do not puncture the skin, so it's probably a bit 'Fracture and healing well. I was lucky and found no cutting or penetrating the skin. Gently wrap the leg with an ACE bandage, cloth or foam. Make sure you wrap tight enough to not fall, but not too closely cropped to the market.

Second, take a 1 ½ "to 2" PVC pipe and divided vertically into two pieces. This will serve as a guide, to keep the bone in position. Make sure the track is a bit 'more bone of veal, in order to have the calf isA walk on the tracks instead of legs. Place the rail inside and outside of the leg to support the fractured bone and use the gray tape to wrap snaps into place and secure the rail. The gray ribbon conducted about three weeks, the calves are leg time to heal.

I found that the calf began walking on her three legs and holding his injured leg off the ground. It 'also important for the cow and calf are somewhat' restricted zoneMovement. I thought the cow and calf in my barn with a fence of protection. Make sure the area to keep injured animals is as clean as possible. There are a lot of grass there for the mother cow, and she can not wander far from her baby. I also have the cow with hay and grain supplements and made sure he had a lot of fresh water.

It 'amazing how quickly can cure a young animal, do not despair, so if you see one of your young calves with severe trauma. Just be prepared toto help the healing along the road. Often it is a way of helping to relax the calf.

I am pleased to tell you that this young cow is now on tour with the rest of the calves, and you can not even say if you ever had a broken leg.

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Monday 8 March 2010

How to become warts home remedies to get rid

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If you believe that homeopathic remedies work at home, so here are some options on how to remove warts using natural methods. While there are a large group of people who feel that home remedies is a waste of time and old wives tales, there is also a growing number of them literally live. You really get rid of warts with remedies at home? Try some of the solutions, and you can be pleasantly surprised by the results.

Warts are produced by a virus, is the undesiredGrowth on the skin. These are painful and not pretty to watch, and you want them removed as quickly and painlessly as possible. Without commenting on the specific details on the doctors because they occur, is the permanent removal possible. These unpleasant growths, which are almost always not cancer are undesirable because they simply in a bad light on the skin. Listed are ways to cost-effectiveness, how to get rid of warts with time tested remedy old fashion house.

The most important remedy for the homeHow to get rid of warts, you believe it or not a good use of old tape. In fact, there has been broad and effective control of scientific research which is removed in the removal of warts or effective. If you are interested in trying to give this one, is enough to tape directly on your warts. Keep you remove the tape on the wart for about a week and then the tape is covered. Soak the wart in water and then scrub with a pumice stone. IfTheir presence does not come off immediately and repeat the process again. Again, this is a proven method of getting rid of warts.

Another method has been effective, which in the removal of warts, with aloe vera. Dip a small cotton ball bond of aloe gel, preferably a solution for about a minute. Aloe-swab directly on your wart. Add the aloe extra cotton ball once every couple of hours. Change the cotton daily and within a week the wart should fallout.

Castor oil is another effective home remedy to get rid of warts demonstrated. Apply castor oil directly on your wart and then rub or massage the nipple and the surrounding area with your fingers. Set this for a few weeks, your wart should disappear. If you prefer, you can also directly covered with castor oil to the wart twice a day and keep it with a plaster.

Other wart removal techniques are: chalk, dandelion, aspirin, bananas, yeastBaking soda, papaya, lemon, and / or milkweed. These are all individual solutions are applied topically. When you choose a home remedy, it is important that you are not allergic to any of the excipients. If you're not sure, try one or two days for all the reactions of the skin.

Please note when using these home remedies for removing warts, that the results are not guaranteed. One solution, which means that someone who does not necessarily mean it will work for you. However, since there is aVariety of products to choose from, you should be able to at least a successful recovery, see the work.

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Saturday 6 March 2010

3M 1210-A Duct Tape

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3M 1210-A Duct Tape

   Availibility : Usually ships in 1-2 business days

3M 1210-A Duct Tape Overviews

Scotch air conditioning and ventiliating duct tape. Polyethylene bonded to cloth tape. It is weather and moisture resistant and tears easily by hand. High tack adhesive holds tight to most surfaces. Silver. No. 131DC NA: 48mm x 10 yd. No. 133DC NA: 48mm x

*** Product Information and Prices Stored:Mar 06, 2010 17:26:32

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Thursday 4 March 2010

There is a hole in the bucket, Dear Liza, Dear Liza

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Only it's not a bucket, is the U.S. economy. It has been said to be correct, only two products that you will ever need anything, "Duct Tape" and "WD-40."

The bucket is leaky, as Designer Mortgage] [emphasis added during the Clinton administration invented that allowed a low-income families to owners of houses. If you were able to sign your name, you managed to get a loan. Emphasis has been placed on your credit score is not your income. If you are in aTotal revenues of $ 30,000, which is insufficient for the highest standards, Loan Officer to get a loan car, it made no difference. Lender did not verify income, have taken into account only the FICO scores. As long as your credit score was below 690, you could perhaps have a house for $ 250,000.

FNMA and FMAC were borne by the federal government. They buy mortgages from lenders, which they come. Four years ago they were both in trouble because of fuzzy accounting. FNMA CEOFranklin Raines, pres. Clinton's former budget director, was fired. However, he did not leave in silence. It seems that it should depend on the office door with WD-40 sprayed so that it does not belong, he steals a $ 90 million dollar bonus will he gave himself up for outstanding achievements. (?)

Help FNMA Congress appeased by promises that the poor buy homes, helping them to obtain the loan. This led them to buy riskier and riskier loans from private lenders who do not careFNMA, because they wanted to buy. Thus, the possibility for everyone to make shaky loans. FNMA and FMAC bought trillions of dollars of these loans. In return, they sold them to financial institutions who bought into believing that they were safe because the government is behind it. We were assured only a manifestation of the government, in reality, they were not. These institutions are not the cure, the property was acquired or the risks they took as theySpread throughout the financial system.

However, in 2005, tried by the Senate Banking Committee, chaired by Republican Richard Shelby, an end to these practices by writing strong new regulations. That also prevents Fannie and Freddie with the acquisition of these bad mortgages. These new rules have the same power to create a new regulator, the regulator of banks has authority.

The vote was closely divided in half between the divisions of the party. AllRepublicans voted in the new regulation. The Democrats unanimously voted against. This includes the vote of the chairman of the Senate Banking Committee, Senator Christopher Dodd (D-CT), which receive the largest share of campaign contributions has been distributed FNMA. Next in line, behind Dodd, Barrack Obama was followed by Hillary Clinton.

This happened in 2005, after former Fed Chairman Alan Greenspan gave a stark warning to the Senate, the two agencies, who were playing with fire. Greenspan said"Without further measures, you increase your chances of failure and a severe financial crisis. Without limiting the size of FNMA and FMAC, we compromise our ability to provide safe and sound financial markets in the U.S." His prediction was hit the target.

However, because Democrats blocked the new law is never the light of the Senate that they deserved. Died in committee. That's how we shot a hole in the bucket.

In 2006, Senator John McCain, once again warned against the impending fate on the law and tried to write the draft of escape. McCain said: "For years I had with the rules that Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac and the extreme magnitude of these companies and the role that hit the housing market to govern. The GSE (Government Sponsored Enterprises) to be reformed without delay" .

Once again, the Democrats ignored the warnings. We lost the opportunity to prevent that breakdown. And if we learned> Volume is correct, we are very wrong. We can not just put a plaster on it.

Sen. Charles Schumer (D-NY) in April 2005 during the hearings of the Senate Banking Committee, said: "I think Fannie and Freddie have done over the years, and job incredibly well and is a deeply part of making America hosted some of the best people in the world. If you had over the last twenty years or whatever, they did a really watching, good job "was the first time" Chuck "as heis known to cause a catastrophe for the economy. The second was in June of 2008, when the bank said Indy will probably not meet its financial obligations. This time it was stupid enough to put in writing in the form of a letter questioning its solvency and profitability. This has led to a run on the bank and its failure in a week.

The irony is, Barack Obama, who tries to blame the Bush administration for the fair, we shall, in the company of Franklin Raines as one of itsChief Advisor. Yes, this is the same Franklin Raines, was sacked by FNMA 90 million dollars through books. She cooked so well, you should have an aspect of the score on Iron Chef America.

He forgot that in 2003 President Bush wanted to regulate Fannie and Freddie? When he asked Congress for regulation, it was Rep. Barney Frank (D-MA), who said: "Freddie and Fannie are fine, nothing wrong." Frank then locked up in committee.

The Washington Post FrankWho is openly gay, was involved in a relationship with an executive of Fannie Mae, Herb Moses, and appointed as his lover. Frank referred to Moses as his wife. The Post showed that the two had separated themselves remained friends. Frank was and remains a loyal supporter of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, both organizations are now under FBI investigation. Frank has tried to regulate the derailment of the 'institution, and continues to deny represents a financial risk. He is deaf, dumb and blind? When I saw theDefinition of arrogance in the dictionary, they said, Barney Frank, Chuck Schumer and Christopher Dodd.

Senator McCain has suspended his campaign and returned to Washington to work on the bailout package. Yes folks, that sees one days have a job, run for the presidency at this moment should be considered an extracurricular activity, which significantly Barrack Obama wants to continue to enjoy. Unless President Bush to invite both candidates to meet with him, do you really think Obama wouldleft in the campaign? Finally, he said, has the capacity to walk and chew gum at the same time. Obama wants to continue to shake hands and kiss babies. We define a leader? Black Sound familiar name?

Warren Buffett has described the current problem as "the next Pearl Harbor."

If the Senate and Congress listened Shelby, McCain and Bush years ago, we would not be in the chaos we see today. Good instincts usually tell you what to do, long before you headunderstood. It 'like driving on the road, when you are just above the hood of your car, you are obliged to try to make a barrier, because you do not see the road ahead.

Now, do not lose control of the senses, which means that the rescue of Fannie and Freddie reality, the government is now in the mortgage sector. And since over 98% of all owners pay their mortgages each month and on time, the government is in fact a useful saving. When we left the ChryslerCorporation in the seventies, the government has actually an advantage. According to automobile loans from the government paid the warrants sold on the open market.

Here the real irony. Seven hundred billion dollars, is not that the same amount of money they and their friends the Saudis for oil in a year?

So where lies the blame? The French philosopher Voltaire, once said: "Everyone is guilty of the good things that do not." You decide!

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Monday 1 March 2010

Kill termites with solutions available to families

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Table salt is very effective at killing all types of termites. Fill a glass jar liter with salt and add hot water and stir until the salt dissolves. You now have a brine highly toxic to termites. To apply, simply fill a syringe with the mixture to baste a turkey brine and inject the solution in accessible areas of the galleys of the infestation of termites. The sodium salt exhaust pests naturally.

Regular laundry bleach is also very lethal to termites. Easyintroduce the bleach in full force in the galleys termite in the same manner as the application of salt. For safety reasons, wear goggles to protect your eyes and dishwashing gloves to protect hands. The bleaching agent once the termites chemical burns to death in contact and makes the wood to treat infestations region Unfit future.

Most households contain a product of penetrating spray WD-40, which said a lot more useful applications than tapes. WD-40 is veryeffective way to kill termites. It is also a handy applicator straw that makes it easy to inject the solution in the galleys, where they live termites. Apply with applicator straw to infection, such as the use of technology explains termites basting syringe. WD-40 is especially fish oil. Of course, kills termites by clogging the breathing pores. In addition, a pest repellent which leaves no residual toxic to humans.

Long before the Dow Jones Chemicalsor any commercial exterminators were every day people like you and I had to kill their own termites and household pests. Even today you can save the termites manage their natural and money and preventing possible chemical toxic poisoning in your home and family.

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Saturday 27 February 2010

Gorilla Tape 2-Inch by 35-Yard Tape Roll

Gorilla Tape 2-Inch by 35-Yard Tape Roll Review

[ I couldn't find Gorilla tape locally. I did find local retailers on google, but winter roads to bad at the time to drive much. What I found on Amazon was cheaper, even with postage, with Amazons usual prompt delivery. Thank you

Gorilla Tape 2-Inch by 35-Yard Tape Roll Feature

  • Tough all-weather shell
  • Bonds wood, brick, stucco and more
  • Double thick adhesive
  • Bonds stronger and lasts longer
  • Strong reinforced backing

Gorilla Tape 2-Inch by 35-Yard Tape Roll Overview

Gorilla tough... now on a roll The toughest glue on the planet is now a Tape! Bonds to things ordinary tapes can't: brick, stucco, wood and more. Double-thick adhesive, strong reinforcing backing and a tough all-weather shell combine for a tape so strong it'll leave you beating your chest with satisfaction. Hey, why settle for a "duck" when you have a gorilla? Measures 1 7/8" x 35 yds., weighs 1 1/2 lbs. Gorilla Tape

Available at Amazon Check Price Now!

*** Product Information and Prices Stored: Feb 28, 2010 02:51:49

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Thursday 25 February 2010

Yes, but is it art?

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The essence of art is that there is unlimited space for creative people to express themselves and their views on society. The term unlimited means that there are limits to what art. Painted by a single line on a plain white screen, a broken toilet on a pile of rubble, deliberately grotesque sculptures in metal scrap funny cartoons, the artists make their living by breaking conventions and conditions of life so far out of the box that can not even seemore. In this context, it comes as no surprise that the emergence of conduct or tape, has emerged as a new medium in art?

Ukrainian born Mark Khaisman takes the art world by storm with its unique packing tape, which have won him numerous awards, most recently at the World Trade Center Memorial Competition in 2003. Khaisman transparent plexiglass, which is used as the basis for the application of layers of adhesive. The pieces arehanging in front of a light that gives the working depth and the illusion of the shadows, depending on the thickness of the strip. His collaborations with the essence of her style perfectly and brings them to life and an attack with the spirit.

A delightful off-the-wall site, Ducttapeguys a tribute to the ingenious use of tape and tape praising the sacred as the panacea for all problems. They are currently running a Duct Tape PoetryCompetition, a book with a ribbon or sticker as a campaign-price incentives. They offer a poem by Jim, as an example to all aspiring poet says, of which the final beautiful, the feelings of the writer for the miracle of tape used, but is saved twice, thanks to the tape from NASA - You're beautiful. "

More news fascinating to close the finalists in the Duck ® Tape Stuck at Prom Scholarship Contest ®. AScholarship is $ 6,000 award the creative use of duct tape in the design and manufacture of ball gowns and suits. The competition is taken very seriously, with some players spending years the fashion trends of the tape, gather ideas and design of their costumes analyzed. There is also a piece on the Box Busters, the old hands in the world of creative use of the tape are conducted, and that made a pirate ship and sail tape hoursrivers in the United States. On a more disturbing note, you can read that the nose of the aircraft is registered and in flight from Washington to Texas!

Some artists do not wait for recognition by commercial galleries, and just take the tape of art on the street. Baby Mark Jenkins makes tape and put them in unusual public places, as above on stop signs and into the arms of the statues. He created the Storker project aims to help promotepeople of bonds or Maximum tapius, as they are called correctly. He also works of nature, such as horses and dogs barking around poles on birds. His work is worth a look. You can try as much pleasure to receive the children tape on the ground, how to appreciate their uniqueness.

Art is truly limitless. The various forms are either loved or hated art critics and fans. The fact that some pieces are torn apart by the critics does not deny the right toThere is an art. Like the fact that the pieces are generally recognized as an exceptional art, does not guarantee that they will be welcomed by the public. Be used regardless of form or medium nonconventional please always ask: "But is it art?"

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Monday 22 February 2010

3M Performance Plus Duct Tape MMM-53851 Slate Blue 2 inches x 25 yards

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3M Performance Plus Duct Tape MMM-53851 Slate Blue 2 inches x 25 yards

   Brand: 3M

   Availibility : N/A

3M Performance Plus Duct Tape MMM-53851 Slate Blue 2 inches x 25 yards Overviews

3M Performance Plus 8979 duct tape has high adhesion and tensile strength, can hold up to 6 months and still remove clean without tape residue.

*** Product Information and Prices Stored:Feb 23, 2010 06:21:28

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Saturday 20 February 2010

2" x 60 yds. Silver Intertape - AC15 Cloth Duct Tape

Available at Amazon Buy this product!

2" x 60 yds. Silver Intertape - AC15 Cloth Duct Tape

   Availibility : N/A

2" x 60 yds. Silver Intertape - AC15 Cloth Duct Tape Overviews

Ideal for retail and non-critical applications. Utility grade. 18 pounds per inch of width tensile strength. 54 ounces per inch of width adhesion to steel. 18% elongation at break. Natural Rubber adhesive.

*** Product Information and Prices Stored:Feb 21, 2010 01:21:20

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Friday 19 February 2010

1" x 36 yds. White 3M - 4950 VHB Tape

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1" x 36 yds. White 3M - 4950 VHB Tape

   Availibility : N/A

1" x 36 yds. White 3M - 4950 VHB Tape Overviews

Super strong VHB Tape provide the simplicity of a tape fastener with incredible strength that in many situations, replaces rivets, bolts, screws, spot welds, liquid adhesives and other permanent fasteners. Use to attach stiffeners; bond aluminum skin to s

*** Product Information and Prices Stored:Feb 19, 2010 21:39:16

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Wednesday 17 February 2010

3M #1005-BLK-CD 1.5x5YD Black Duct Tape

  • 3M #1005-BLK-CD 1.5x5YD Black Duct Tape

Available at Amazon Buy this product!

3M #1005-BLK-CD 1.5x5YD Black Duct Tape

   Brand: 3M

   Model : 1005-BLK-CD

   Availibility : Usually ships in 1-2 business days

3M #1005-BLK-CD 1.5x5YD Black Duct Tape Overviews

Scotch, 1.5" x 5 YD, Black, Multi-Purpose Duct Tape, Durable, Waterproof Backings & Tear Easily, Apply Smoothly & Hold Well On Curved Surfaces, Use For Discrete Repairs, Crafts & Decorating, Organization & Color Coding, Carded.

*** Product Information and Prices Stored:Feb 18, 2010 14:21:14

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Netbooks Flash Card

Tuesday 16 February 2010

3M 2120 Scotch Transparent High Performance Duct Tape, 1.88-Inch x 20-Yard, 1-Pack

  • Recommended Applications: Discretely repairing household items such as, Patio Furniture
  • Children's Toys
  • Decorations
  • Home electronics
  • Strong enough to tackle almost any repair project in or around the home, vehicle, boat, or job site
  • Can be used on plastic, wood, glass, metal, vinyl and rubber.
  • Clear color makes repairs less obvious.
  • Lasts six times longer than other heavy-duty duct tapes.
  • Tears easily by hand lengthwise and crosswise.
  • Withstands extreme temperatures and harsh UV rays.

Available at Amazon Buy this product!

3M 2120 Scotch Transparent High Performance Duct Tape, 1.88-Inch x 20-Yard, 1-Pack

   Brand: 3M

   Model : 2120

   Customer Rating :

   Availibility : Usually ships in 1-2 business days

3M 2120 Scotch Transparent High Performance Duct Tape, 1.88-Inch x 20-Yard, 1-Pack Overviews

This clear duct tape makes repairs less obvious, yet still withstands extreme temperatures and harsh UV rays. Even though the tape is heavy-duty, it still tears easily by hand, both lengthwise and crosswise. The durable design lasts six-times longer than other heavy-duty duct tapes. Plus, it can be used on a variety of surfaces, including plastic, wood, glass, metal, vinyl and rubber. Global Product Type: Tapes, Tape Type: Duct, Adhesive Material: N/A, Tape Special Feature: Removable.

3M 2120 Scotch Transparent High Performance Duct Tape, 1.88-Inch x 20-Yard, 1-Pack RelateItems

3M 2120 Scotch Transparent High Performance Duct Tape, 1.88-Inch x 20-Yard, 1-Pack Specifications

It's not often the word revolutionary can be associated with duct tape, that old, sticky standby used in plumbing repairs, hockey stick augmentation, and homeland security protection. By getting the gray out--and avoiding the "sore thumb" look of typical duct tape repairs--3M's Scotch Transparent Duct Tape can indeed lay claim to a revolution of the toolbox. But seeing through it is just the start. This duct tape can be easily torn by hand, is UV resistant, and, through accelerated weathering tests, has been shown to last six times longer than its old-school namesake.

Duct tape has been around since 1942 when the military needed a waterproof tape for sealing ammunition boxes. Originally colored green, it was referred to as "duck tape" due to its moisture resistance as well as its cotton duck construction--the same ribbed cloth used in bandages. After the war, it was adopted by contractors working in the booming housing industry, where it got its "duct" name for easily connecting heating and air conditioning ducts.

History's fine, but what can 3M's new, clear duct tape do for us? Virtually anything. First, we noticed its powerful stickiness--the roll itself adheres to just about any surface when laid on its side. As advertised, the tape was easily torn from the roll by hand with minimal force. 3M also seems to have ironed out one of the biggest complaints about duct tape: wrinkles. In our testing, we applied it repeatedly and evenly without the tape sticking to itself and without creating odd bumps and creases. And while the tape is rather sticky, it doesn't go overboard, easily lifting off surfaces when we needed it to and not leaving the tacky, viscous residue often found with other duct tapes.

As for its transparency, the tape blended well into just about any surface we applied it to. It was never "invisible" but did have the chameleon-like quality of reflecting the surface beneath it and only calling attention to itself when caught in direct light. Also, we placed bands of the tape over our computer monitor before writing this review (don't try this at home, kids). Peering through the fabric ribs was a nuisance, but we were able to compose the description you're now reading. How's that for transparency?

Our only complaint is that, as with most transparent tapes, finding where to start peeling the roll can be difficult. While this certainly isn't a showstopper, we did find a solution: mounting the roll onto a tape gun.

Tape, by its nature, is not a terribly exciting product (or topic). But 3M's Scotch Transparent Duct Tape is truly a tipping-point entrant, one that may someday become ubiquitous and banish gray duct tape to the nether reaches of our tool sheds, and memories. --Agen G.N. Schmitz


  • Transparent, easily blends into the surface background
  • Easily torn from the roll with minimal force
  • Sticky, but not too sticky
  • Adheres smoothly without wrinkles or creases
  • So transparent that finding where to start peeling the roll can be difficult

3M 2120 Scotch Transparent High Performance Duct Tape, 1.88-Inch x 20-Yard, 1-Pack CustomerReview

I purchased this duct tape to seal up the gap in my bedroom window, due to installing a portable air conditioner. I didn't want to have to take out the window adapter in the Winter, because it took so long to get it into my window in the first place.

So, I had to think of a way to keep out as much air as possible. You would think buying a 0 room air conditioner, that it would come with everything you need, but it doesn't. So, I decided that maybe duct tape would work. A friend of mine told me, when in doubt use duct tape. This was my FIRST duct tape purchase!

I purchased this due to the reviews, and wanting duct tape that was as invisible as possible. I guess considering the myriad of colors duct tape now comes in, this duct tape is probably as invisible as it gets, but it isn't totally invisible, or as invisible as I would like it to be.

To me, seeing tape, period, is kind of tacky. It is alittle hard to start the roll, and the tape is really sticky. I found it hard to cut. I put a flag, you know, like a note tab, to hold the tape, so I won't need to find where the roll starts again.

I still have alot of the tape left. It is kind of pricey, at .30 a roll, but I wanted to get a well known brand, and as invisible duct tape as I could, so I guess that costs more. Iam hoping this tape is good for weather related conditions, such as heat and cold. I guess I will have to see! As this is something I will rarely purchase, I think it was worth the price I paid.

*** Product Information and Prices Stored:Feb 16, 2010 21:06:10

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Saturday 13 February 2010

How Telescopes Work - Telescope Making Made Easy

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The first thing to keep in mind when making a telescope by hand, alone, to know exactly how it works. The basic objective of a telescope is an object that is at a distance and seems much closer to the bigger than it actually is, seeing his photo in the lens focal length. You can learn, you must know the type of do-it-yourself telescope construction through various mediums.

E 'possible to know telescopeThrough the construction sites located on the Internet. Telescope making is considered an art by various people. Not only completed telescopes that are well made. Amateur designs are often good enough for professional tools to run for their money. Many authors have written about telescope construction at home, and these works are also on display at local libraries.

Simple instructions that will build their own telescope will be described below.The main components are needed for construction:

1. Two lenses (reading glasses are sufficient, with a lens is slightly larger than the others)

2. A cardboard cylinder (for example, from a roll of wrapping paper)

3 Tape

4. Permanent markers

5. Scissors

6. A scale

7. Printed

Place the broader objective in print. Place the second lens between the eye level and the largest this lensthat the pressure on the paper clearly. This will happen only when the pressure is at the center of the lens. In such a situation, the distance between the two lenses must be measured.

One inch from one end of the cylinder, mark the point and cut a slit in the tube. This slot will keep the larger goal. The distance measured previously as a reference, a second slot must be adopted and are cut into the tube to hold the second lens.

Place the two lenses in the slots, so thatThe larger goal is the front-end and the smaller one is sticking in the back. lenses in place with adhesive tape. The part of the tube behind the small lens can be cut so that it is easier to look through the lens. The pressure on the paper through the eyepiece, ie the smaller the lens now. Set the distance between the glass when the pressure is to focus not exactly.

This is the easiest way to create a refractor onlyhome. Several online sites you can before using these procedures. If you are not first carefully studied the task of making the whole process a very difficult task. The most important thing is the principle of individual components of the telescope you know, especially the slow movement. If you make a different type of telescope you are using mirrors instead of lenses. If this information is known, is building his own telescopewill be a breeze.


Friday 12 February 2010

DIY Halloween costumes

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Halloween is a joyous time of years. This is the moment where everyone comes to pretend to be something other than themselves and have fun. But many people have spent their money on expensive clothes for the best costume or scariest preserved. But it is a simple and inexpensive way for ever a really good Halloween costume to impress others. DYI Halloween costumes are becoming increasingly popular in recent years. Every intelligent thought costumes Coming OutPurchase up to par with those of a store Halloween. Some Halloween costumes are DYI style:

1. Hershey's Kiss-This does not take away. Only a couple of Duct Tape, foil and wire coat hangers and toilet paper. Just turn the hanger into a circle, and even a piece of tape and belts form. Want the same length. To use the tape to make a cone shape. So you are accurate with this. Then repeat the processand a cone larger for the bottom half. Now is the part of the aluminum foil. Cover with aluminum foil and the cone is more sustainable. Cut armholes and write "Hershey's Kiss" on toilet paper and attach it to the head.

2. Clark Kent, who have little to do with this costume, but will require you to buy a super man t-shirt or pull a Superman symbol on a white shirt. The dress is self-explanatory and you can get some good old pair of glasses andcheap. A cheap suit and glasses are those who are looking for Clark Kent. If you are the costumes together, you will be able to see how many people guess who you are. This is the hardest part for everyone with this costume.

3. Bag of Jelly Beans A modest equipment that does not take much. A trash bag and a set of colored balloons and you're ready to go. Tape the bag around her head that the bag is not going to fall and cut two small holes for the legs onBottom. Next you get the balloon inflated and use them in a bag. You must ensure that the bag is so clear that people can see the balloons representing the jelly beans. If you have all together, you can have fun with people appreciate bowling ball in rubber, in MM.

With each costume, you must do it yourself, have fun with it. Halloween is a time of fun and if you do not have fun, you must stop what you're doing. Create a costumeThe reason is fun to do when you have time to do the job. With different outfits you can choose, you need to do on your personality. A costume is only the best, if the carrier is the best. With different customs to float ideas in his head, it's easy to just get ideas on paper and see what happens.

There are ways to make your Halloween a shot and you're just one of their costume. You get personally involved and have fun.If you have a Halloween party, you can really enjoy, so that their costume. Especially for the fact that you did not in the store to get the dress. Have fun and stay safe!

Underwater Photo recliner

Thursday 11 February 2010

Easy Caulking Tip

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Have you ever been to a large extent remodeling job in your bathroom or kitchen, and everything you do is caulk around a few things (such as toilet, sink, etc.)? Well, that's all right, but if you try, confined spaces or in areas you can not reach, you mess up your perfectly finished remodeling job, and above it is everywhere caulk seal. So here's a little 'edge, I have seen is that work perfectly for this type of areas.

First of all we have on the golocal hardware store or hardware store and get some supplies, or perhaps already at home, ever. What we need on this point is a piece or two pieces of pipe, approximately 3 / 8 of an inch to half is good, depending on the type of insulation of the pipe you have. If you're in business, grab a tube that is used to seal the same to suit you and use the test tubes on her. ensure that close, but not too tight, which can not be obtained, but not to lose, you can seeit on and off with ease, so if you plan to use caulk to make the wrong and a mess. You need a piece that gives enough time to do the job is not formed right or wrong, just use the best judge of how long a piece you need, and if you do not know, get some 10 "and slashed size you need, when you get home. Now, with a 10 "piece, which I'm sure you have enough extra if you screw up.

The second thing we need is duct tape now, ifYou do not know what tape and are not easily available at home better: A. courses only and has not had time to enter the business. O, not a fan of home improvement.

Now, slide the tube over the tip of the nozzle caulking. (Dummy Note: Make sure the nozzle end of the first cut, or you must do it again.) Make sure that is comfortable in the end with a piece of tape and then wrap it around the mouthpiece and the denseTube. You should now be easily able to seal off those difficult to reach.

ketchup Puzzles : All Toys

Tuesday 9 February 2010 How Duct Tape Is Made

A video how to make Duct Tape. More videos like this, see

Spy Cameras fleece blanket

Monday 8 February 2010

Magic Props - Make Your Own

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Money is always scarce, and my magic props can be expensive. If you're starting to learn the magic trick, why not some of your own. Your audience will not really mind, and if you are becoming an established wizard, you can buy professional equipment.

Here are ideas to make your own equipment:

A magic wand. Get a good old fashioned pencil. The way you have to sharpen a pencil sharpener. Get some 'of ribbon Conductand some light band. This is wonderful, and are now available in all kinds of beautiful and vibrant color choices. Wrap the center of the base with your choice of ribbon colored pencil. With electrical tape, which is contained in a thin only at each end of the pencil. Whalah! They have a magic wand for your very cool tricks.

PVC pipe is for all the tubes, you can use magic, or to hide things inside, instead of purchasing the plastic pipe or metal so greata local lumberyard and see if scrap piece of PVC pipe left over. It can also give the left over pieces for you. Moreover, the channel strip is a good cover for the exterior of the tube and you can knock down those barriers and create unique designs.

Magic Need a bag, why not the bag Capri Sun bag large, and to connect all the edges with tape. It's just so cool. Cut the tape into thin strips and add onthe inside of the bags. They are not all the tape and it seems cool.

Need coverage table and a table. Go to your local warehouse, or the device and require a large box. You can give this color, and with old curtains or bed linen.

Get a cloak. If it is near Halloween, go to your local store the day after the party. They are capable of a dress for your costume, almost free. In general, things are half off and if you can wait a week or more, you canThe meeting in 75 to 80 per cent discount on the original price.

We hope this has helped to get some supplies for your next magic trick magical.

Flying Toys Ashtray Coffee Percolator

Sunday 7 February 2010

Duct Tape Clothing

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Adhesive tape was produced for the first time during the Second World War. E 'was used for the broken windows, fix the seals on the containers and pull gun magazines. Layers of polyethylene waterproof, durable mesh fabric are pressed to make adhesives and rubber together under thousands of pounds of pressure on the tape.

Black tape will be used extensively in private homes, as well as large offices and industrial. In addition to these new innovative products,Handicrafts are also the channel strips. Wardrobes for men and women of the channel belts are produced, a recent addition to haute couture.

The manufacture of clothing tape a long time. A piece of tape is kept on a flat surface with the adhesive side up. Two similar pieces with the sides of the bottom, are placed on each piece. The two parts are placed side by side. This process is continued until the desired lengthAdhesive tape fabric is produced. This is rinsed with foam and then washed with water. It is cut in various shapes and sizes, along with the tape.

Cabinets are designed from strong, waterproof adhesive tape. Jackets, shirts, shoes, belts, ties, jackets, wedding dresses and bikinis are a few of these products. These can be purchased at designer shops and online stores. They are great attractions of the school and college promNights. Adhesive tape manufacturers apparel sponsor for high school competition and scholarships.

The manufacturers produce different types of channel strips. They are available in a variety of colors. One small change is needed to make several models of clothes, the more colorful and lively. People are attracted to the shiny appearance of clothes tape, and many have to submit itsWardrobe with ribbons conducted.

Electronics Bestsellers

Friday 5 February 2010

3M 1060-BRN Scotch Brown Duct Tape, 1.88-Inch-by-60-Yard

  • Recommended Applications: Color coding
  • Color matching
  • Decorating
  • Temporary Repairs

Available at Amazon Buy this product!

3M 1060-BRN Scotch Brown Duct Tape, 1.88-Inch-by-60-Yard

   Brand: 3M

   Model : 1060-BRN

   Customer Rating :

   Availibility : Usually ships in 24 hours

3M 1060-BRN Scotch Brown Duct Tape, 1.88-Inch-by-60-Yard Overviews

Used to repair, decorate, and for color coding.

3M 1060-BRN Scotch Brown Duct Tape, 1.88-Inch-by-60-Yard RelateItems

3M 1060-BRN Scotch Brown Duct Tape, 1.88-Inch-by-60-Yard CustomerReview

The deep chocolate brown color works well for taping around a brown framed windows when installing an Air Conditioning vent for a Portable AC or installing a window unit. If you have brown window frames this color tape looks much better and blends very well than the standard gray duct tape that looks out of place with brown in the mix.
Also a great color duct tape for brown cardboard packages. Well made typical 3M duct tape perfect for your brown projects.

*** Product Information and Prices Stored:Feb 05, 2010 23:21:52

Available at Amazon Buy this product!

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