Thursday 25 February 2010

Yes, but is it art?

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The essence of art is that there is unlimited space for creative people to express themselves and their views on society. The term unlimited means that there are limits to what art. Painted by a single line on a plain white screen, a broken toilet on a pile of rubble, deliberately grotesque sculptures in metal scrap funny cartoons, the artists make their living by breaking conventions and conditions of life so far out of the box that can not even seemore. In this context, it comes as no surprise that the emergence of conduct or tape, has emerged as a new medium in art?

Ukrainian born Mark Khaisman takes the art world by storm with its unique packing tape, which have won him numerous awards, most recently at the World Trade Center Memorial Competition in 2003. Khaisman transparent plexiglass, which is used as the basis for the application of layers of adhesive. The pieces arehanging in front of a light that gives the working depth and the illusion of the shadows, depending on the thickness of the strip. His collaborations with the essence of her style perfectly and brings them to life and an attack with the spirit.

A delightful off-the-wall site, Ducttapeguys a tribute to the ingenious use of tape and tape praising the sacred as the panacea for all problems. They are currently running a Duct Tape PoetryCompetition, a book with a ribbon or sticker as a campaign-price incentives. They offer a poem by Jim, as an example to all aspiring poet says, of which the final beautiful, the feelings of the writer for the miracle of tape used, but is saved twice, thanks to the tape from NASA - You're beautiful. "

More news fascinating to close the finalists in the Duck ® Tape Stuck at Prom Scholarship Contest ®. AScholarship is $ 6,000 award the creative use of duct tape in the design and manufacture of ball gowns and suits. The competition is taken very seriously, with some players spending years the fashion trends of the tape, gather ideas and design of their costumes analyzed. There is also a piece on the Box Busters, the old hands in the world of creative use of the tape are conducted, and that made a pirate ship and sail tape hoursrivers in the United States. On a more disturbing note, you can read that the nose of the aircraft is registered and in flight from Washington to Texas!

Some artists do not wait for recognition by commercial galleries, and just take the tape of art on the street. Baby Mark Jenkins makes tape and put them in unusual public places, as above on stop signs and into the arms of the statues. He created the Storker project aims to help promotepeople of bonds or Maximum tapius, as they are called correctly. He also works of nature, such as horses and dogs barking around poles on birds. His work is worth a look. You can try as much pleasure to receive the children tape on the ground, how to appreciate their uniqueness.

Art is truly limitless. The various forms are either loved or hated art critics and fans. The fact that some pieces are torn apart by the critics does not deny the right toThere is an art. Like the fact that the pieces are generally recognized as an exceptional art, does not guarantee that they will be welcomed by the public. Be used regardless of form or medium nonconventional please always ask: "But is it art?"

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